Fitness under Current Circumstances

Fitness under Current Circumstances…

During a time like this perspective is everything. We are all suffering from this pandemic in one way or another and for most it is too close to home. For those who are quarantined and are not ill, making the most of the time should not be overlooked.

Intoxx Fitness encourages you to do the little things. Simply staying active is enough to maintain your current health at this time. Some examples of fitness related would be a brisk walk around your neighborhood for a minimum of 30 minutes or a basic routine consisting of calisthenics and body weight exercises like push ups, pull-ups, air squats and walking lunges. Other examples non fitness related would be home projects. Spring is upon us and cleaning out closets, attics and garages is something productive that will occupy your time for awhile. Remember how many times we all said to ourselves…” If only I had some free time to get organized.” Well here you go. Last but not least is Family activities which can be board games, puzzles or dancing. Are you seeing the point yet? Just stay busy.

Another aspect to be aware of is Food. Pandemic or not, the rules for nutrition remain the same unfortunately. So let’s keep it simple with these ti

ps. Balance and portion control are going to be your focus now. With food choices limited and lack of activity, overall calorie consumption matters. If you decide to indulge pick and choose your battles and try to at least get in a workout on that day.

Again we understand this is a difficult time but stress will only compound it. We are at a time where we are being challenged and face adversity like never before. Staying busy will relieve some of that nervous energy that will be there during this time.
We look forward to opening our doors again and getting back to normal but until then…
Stay Calm. Stay Vigilant. Stay Positive.

Michael Giliotti